Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Must Be the Money

Money, it’s like hot and cold. It brings out the best and the worst. It makes you happy and sad. But hey lets all be honest here it sure makes everything a lot better and easier.

Being a mom of two a new home owner and not to mention a little high maintenance myself money can a lot of the time be an issue. It doesn’t matter if you have it or not. It’s how you do and do not spend it.

After sitting down with hubby and looking over my credit card all is could say is WOW!!! Neimans, bloomies, Saks, target, and about a million orders of sushi and cabs. I was shocked!!! But of course reassured hubby that most of those were gifts (sure)!

Spending is like being high as hell. You take home those new shoes, wear them to dinner, and enjoy them all over town, but a month later when you get that bill your stomach turns. Just as it is when coming down from your drug of choice and you want to throw up.

Yes, I love nice things, but what this mom loves more is having a good time. Give me some cash and I would rather spend it on memories with and WITHOUT the kids. Cabs, drinks, dinners, and friends are what I spend my money on. Get some cocktails in me and I become the next millionaire.

So how do fix this dirty habit? Not completely sure, but I am working on it.

Until Next Time,
Party Mom

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