Monday, December 14, 2009

Poor Tiger

I don’t condone cheating. Never have and never will. But are people really that shocked about Tiger Woods and his adultery??? I mean come on.

The guy is a billionaire (not millionaire), a celebrity, and always on the road. To be honest what woman doesn’t find money sexy??? And what man doesn’t use it as a source of power??? It’s a simple equation. Woman throws herself at man and man sees he can get some REAL easily. After it happens once he goes back for more and more.

Yes the guy is a family man and yes he may love his wife, but so what. That thing between his legs has its own mind and all it takes is a few good looking women, some bottles of Kristal and its ready to go. For the average billionaire this scenario happens all the time.

Maybe Tiger has a sex addiction or maybe he’s just a bastard who doesn’t give a shit. Who knows? But whoever is shocked about his affairs I think is plain stupid. The guy is a celebrity who has the world at his hands and can have anything at anytime he wants.

I’m not saying that all men of his stature cheat. What I am saying is that people should not be shocked and should become more realistic.

Until Next Time,
Party Mom

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